Tuesday, 10 Dec, 2024
Boa Vista - Brazil

Boa Vista is situated near to the Roraima Mountains and close to the borders of Guyana and Venezuela.

In this city we find Awan and Jemima Chatterpal who lead the ministry “Mission without Frontiers”.


This work is a fulfilment of a vision Phil Mohabir had many years ago of reaching out to the Amerindian

tribes that are scattered over the savannah plains and the Roraima mountains criss-crossing the borders of the three nations.


Based in the city of Boa Vista they have four local churches and also a training centre which will be fully operational within a few months. Many of the village churches in the mountains are very difficult to reach by foot and also much of the region is a restricted area under government control. The local people can come in and out but for people from the cities and outside visitors it is difficult. With this in mind, a centre has been built where the local leaders can come and be taught and trained in their own languages and then return home. Also teams of local leaders are being raised up to travel from church to church and strengthen them. This is no easy job. It can take up to seven days to reach some of these villages in the mountains.


In spite of all the difficulties and hardships there is much to praise the Lord for with over 200 village churches, yet there are still many villages with no effective church. What a joy it has been to go out to these churches and meet such wonderful people, the Gospel truly is the power of God for salvation.


Back in Boa Vista the challenge is to get the centre finished and ready to open as all the first year students are waiting to start. Along with that is also the development of the children’s feeding programme based in one of the churches in a poorer part of the city. However, the greatest need is for regular prayer support.

• Awan, Jemima and the main leadership team, direction, unity and clear understanding (owing to different languages).

• For the opening and smooth running of the centre.

• Oversight and care of all the churches (distance, transport and communication are key issues in making this a reality).

• Regular sponsorship for the students’ training and the feeding programmes for children


You would be most welcome to visit Awan and Jemima to meet some of the leaders and experience at firsthand what the Lord is doing in Brazil. Perhaps a small team could go from your church and/or as a church you might like to adopt and partner with them in this mission into three nations. Just ask us for more details!