Friday, 14 Feb, 2025
Where we do it - India

India is a massive country and here we have a few links and people that we have and are helping.

There are Pastors who are in danger of persecution physically and of having property destroyed. Some have needed medical treatment and we have been able to help finance this.

The Tsunami also brought devastation in some areas and we were able to help with relief aid plus in one area the setting up of a children’s home. The key pastor here has also suffered poor health and we have been able to help.

Over the years there has also been a medical mission and a mobile health clinic was purchased to help take aid to villages.

We were also able to provide funds to set up a bible training school.

One work is that of Carmel Minstries. Here is a note of the latest

Regarding Ebenezer & Mani Sastry of Carmel Ministries Eluru A.P. India

At present they run 2 children's homes, the main one in Eluru with 48 children, also they have a free school for over 200 plus with 6 teachers. The school building is in very bad condition and local government have given them a set time to rebuild or else they will be forced to close.

In another small town some distance away they a home for 25 and a school for 140.