Tuesday, 22 Oct, 2024
Missions - An Introduction

At Connections Trust we have for many years been helping people overseas, providing a ‘Ministry of Helps’ (this is known by many as International Connections, which is part of Connections Trust).

Our aim is to help the local people to build the Kingdom of God. Our ethos is to work with and through the people in those countries.


To help people overseas, with the support of individuals and churches in the UK by providing:-

  • SHORT AND LONG TERM VISITS to boost local mission

Partners in mission -

Through prayer, encouragement and giving, we have been able to support:

  • The pioneering and planting of churches in many different countries, especially in the interior to reach tribes as yet un-evangelised.
  • The building of churches by providing financial and practical resources and help.
  • Training of leaders by helping to build and maintain bible training centres, and by visits of personnel to help and train leaders in the different countries. We also provide a correspondence course known as the Overseas Missionary Training Course, for the training of local leaders unable to get to Bible Schools.
  • Sponsorship of Pastors, Workers, Bible students, Teachers, and Children in schools and homes.
  • The building and maintenance of an all age school and several children’s homes in Guyana. Social action programmes including feeding programmes for children.
  • The development of self-help projects which generate income so that they can become self-financing e.g. A Christian bookshop in Guyana and a maize mill in Malawi.
  • Transport needs: especially in the interior of under developed countries e.g. motor boats, cars, buses, trucks and motorbikes.
  • The provision of material help often in the form of bibles, teaching aids, worship and teaching tapes, clothing and food, vitamins and medicines.
  • Visits: by Churches; Teachers; Pastors; Doctors; Dentists; Builders and those with special skills.


The international work of Connections is made possible because of the voluntary giving of individuals and churches in the UK.

Limited resources, both in personnel and finance, restrict us from fulfilling our responsibility to many people in need. In order for us to honour our commitments we need to increase our support in all areas. We need partners in mission who will:

Pray        Give        Go

The need is urgent – Together we CAN make a difference

If you would like to help click here